Top Ten Tuesday: Characters I Would Name My Children After

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday mandate was to choose a topic from the meme’s past, and after much deliberation (so many great topics!) I chose to share some favourite characters that I would name my children after. And, yes, I do realize that my children would be mocked mercilessly for a few of these.


1. Ginny after Ginny Weasley from the Harry Potter books. If I have a red-headed girl, she’s totally being called Ginny (short for Genevieve).

2. Hazel Grace after Hazel Grace Lancaster in The Fault in Our Stars. It works on two levels: 1) I think she is a great character and 2) it’s my grandmother’s name.

3. Madeline after the title character from the Madeline books.

4. Tris after Beatrice Prior from the Divergent series.

5. Clarissa from the Words that Start with B books for two reasons: 1) I like her spunk and 2) it’s my middle name.


1. Artemis after the title character from the Artemis Fowl series.

2. Sirius after Sirius Black, also from the Harry Potter books.

3. Jace after Jace Wayland from The Mortal Instruments series. I just like the name.

4. Kent after Adam Kent from the Shatter Me series.

5. Mathias after the hero of Redwall.

Honorable mention: Matthew after the kindred spirit Matthew Cuthbert in Anne of Green Gables.

Interesting factoid: I was partly named after an author. Can you guess which one?

Which fictional characters would you consider naming your children after? Or do you already have kids named after characters? Share your answers in comments.

12 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Characters I Would Name My Children After

  1. Great post, Danielle. My daughter was almost named Esme after the character in the JD Salinger story “For Esme – with Love and Squalor”, but we worried that people would think that we named her after the Twilight character. Finally, we named her after a writer, Simone de Beauvoir.

  2. Love this! I’ll have to keep it in mind for another freebie week 🙂 Kids aren’t in the plans for any time soon, but I DO have a bunny named Tonks.
    PS Thanks for the comment on my intern post! I’m glad to see that the ridiculous commute worked out for someone and I have hopes I’ll get something someday, hopefully soon!

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